This function creates a new Service Window/Maintenance Window for a Configuration Manager collection all using WMI but does require the other previously posted functions in order to perform as expected. This prevents the need to use the other functions separately to create the Maintenance Window and performs a verification once the Maintenance Window has been created in order to ensure a success.
You need the below functions available in your PowerShell session when using this combined function.
NOTE: By including the SYNOPSIS and other information you can use get-help on the function to find out what parameters you can specify or read what this function actually can be used for. I can highly recommended to always include this information in your PowerShell function(s) so that anybody can understand it.
In the below examples names pointing to a sitecode, collection ID or server name are blurred out (this is a real site server behind a FAKE FQDN).
Below you can see the command line and returned information that creates the requested Maintenance Window on the collection. In this example we create a Maintenance Window that starts on 22:30 on 11-9-2019 (dd-mm-yyyy), after having created the Maintenance Window a check is performed for verification which in this case returns True because it was successful.
If you open the collection properties you can see the newly created Maintenance Window.
If you open the properties page for the newly created Maintenance Window you can see that all our provided parameters are correctly used.
Should you run the same command line as before but with the -Verbose parameter than during the function execution the value of $VerbosePreference is automatically set to Continue which means that we execute all other required functions also with the -Verbose parameter so that the full verbose output is provided. This can cause a lot of output on the screen but can help for example to determine if the other functions also use the same values.
Function Set-SCCMCollectionMaintenanceWindow { <# .SYNOPSIS Sets a Maintenance Window on the collection specified, if provided for the specified year/month and time. .DESCRIPTION This function requires other functions output as input in order to set the Maintenance Window on a collection. By default the duration in minutes is set to 5 (day and hour to 0), you can override this using parameters. By default the start hour is set to 23 and minute set to 00, you can override this using parameters. .EXAMPLE Set-SCCMCollectionMaintenanceWindow -SCCMCollectionID <sccm collection ID> -MaintenanceWindowName "My Maint Window" .EXAMPLE Set-SCCMCollectionMaintenanceWindow -SCCMCollectionID <sccm collection ID> -MaintenanceWindowName "My Maint Window" -Day 11 -Month 9 -Year 2019 -DurationDay 0 -DurationHour 3 -DurationMinute 30 -StartHour 22 -StartMinute 30 .PARAMETER SCCMCollectionID The SCCMCollectionID parameter is the actual collection on which you want to set the new Maintenance Window. .PARAMETER MaintenanceWindowName The MaintenanceWindowName parameter is the name of the Maintenance Window .PARAMETER MaintenanceWindowDescription The MaintenanceWindowDescription parameter is optional and the the description of the Maintenance Window .PARAMETER Month The month parameter is used to define the month but if not provided the current month is set .PARAMETER Year The year parameter is used to define the year but if not provided the current year is set .PARAMETER Day The day parameter is used to define the day but if not provided the current day is set .PARAMETER DurationDay This parameter defines the duration in day(s) .PARAMETER DurationHour This parameter defines the duration in hour(s) .PARAMETER StartHour This parameter defines the starting hour (24-hour format) of the Maintenance Window if not provided a default of 23 is defined. .PARAMETER DurationMinute This parameter defines the duration in minute(s) .PARAMETER StartMinute This parameter defines the starting minute(s) of the Maintenance Window if not provided a default of 00 is defined. .PARAMETER SiteServer This parameter defines the site server to connect to and is optional as a default is provided in the function .PARAMETER SiteCode This parameter is optional and by default uses WMI to gather this based on the SiteServer parameter #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)] [string]$SCCMCollectionID, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$MaintenanceWindowName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$SiteServer = "", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$MaintenanceWindowDescription, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$SiteCode = (Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SMS" -Class SMS_ProviderLocation -ComputerName $SiteServer).SiteCode, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$DurationDay = 0, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$DurationHour = 0, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$StartHour = "23", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$DurationMinute = 5, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$StartMinute = "00", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$Month = (Get-Date).Month, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$Day = (Get-Date).Day, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$Year = (Get-Date).Year ) Begin { $ConfigureMaintWindowSuccess = $False Write-Verbose "SCCM Site Server : $($SiteServer)" Write-Verbose "SCCM Site code : $($SiteCode)" Write-Verbose "SCCM Collection ID : $($SCCMCollectionID)" Write-Verbose "Maintenance Window Day : $($Day)" Write-Verbose "Maintenance Window Month : $($Month)" Write-Verbose "Maintenance Window Year : $($Year)" Write-Verbose "Maintenance Window Hour : $($StartHour)" Write-Verbose "Maintenance Window Minute(s) : $($StartMinute)" Write-Verbose "Duration Hour(s) : $DurationHour" Write-Verbose "Duration Day(s) : $DurationDay" Write-Verbose "Duration Minute(s) : $DurationMinute" If (!($MaintenanceWindowDescription)) { $MaintenanceWindowDescription = "Occurs on $($Day)-$($Month)-$($Year) $($StartHour):$($StartMinute)" } Write-Verbose "Maintenance Window Name : $($MaintenanceWindowName)" Write-Verbose "Maintenance Window Description : $($MaintenanceWindowDescription)" } Process { [datetime]$MaintenanceWindowStartDateTime = Get-Date -Day $Day -Month $Month -Year $Year -Hour $StartHour -Minute $StartMinute -Second "00" Write-Host "Maintenance Window Date/Time is $($MaintenanceWindowStartDateTime)" If ($VerbosePreference -eq "continue") { $ConfigMgrStartDateTime = Convert-NormalDateToConfigMgrDate -StdDateTime $MaintenanceWindowStartDateTime -Verbose } Else { $ConfigMgrStartDateTime = Convert-NormalDateToConfigMgrDate -StdDateTime $MaintenanceWindowStartDateTime } If ($VerbosePreference -eq "continue") { $SMSScheduleMethodsToken = New-ScheduleToken -StartDateTime $ConfigMgrStartDateTime -DurationDay $DurationDay -DurationHour $DurationHour -DurationMinute $DurationMinute -Verbose } Else { $SMSScheduleMethodsToken = New-ScheduleToken -StartDateTime $ConfigMgrStartDateTime -DurationDay $DurationDay -DurationHour $DurationHour -DurationMinute $DurationMinute } Write-Verbose "SCCM Schedule Token : $SMSScheduleMethodsToken" If ($VerbosePreference -eq "continue") { New-SMSServiceWindow -MaintenanceWindowName $MaintenanceWindowName -MaintenanceWindowDescription $MaintenanceWindowDescription -SCCMScheduleString $SMSScheduleMethodsToken -SCCMCollectionID $SCCMCollectionID -StartDateTime $MaintenanceWindowStartDateTime -Verbose } Else { New-SMSServiceWindow -MaintenanceWindowName $MaintenanceWindowName -MaintenanceWindowDescription $MaintenanceWindowDescription -SCCMScheduleString $SMSScheduleMethodsToken -SCCMCollectionID $SCCMCollectionID -StartDateTime $MaintenanceWindowStartDateTime } $CollectionSettings = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SMS\site_$($SiteCode)" -Class SMS_CollectionSettings -ComputerName $SiteServer -Filter "CollectionID = '$($SCCMCollectionID)'" ForEach ($CollectionSetting in $CollectionSettings) { $CollectionSetting.Get() ForEach ($MaintenanceWindow in $CollectionSetting.ServiceWindows) { ForEach ($ServiceWindowName in $CollectionSetting.ServiceWindows.Name) { If ($ServiceWindowName -eq $MaintenanceWindowName) { ForEach ($ServiceWindowSchedule in $MaintenanceWindow.ServiceWindowSchedules) { If ($ServiceWindowSchedule -eq $SMSScheduleMethodsToken) { Write-Verbose "Collection Service Window Name : $ServiceWindowName" Write-Verbose "Service Window Schedule : $($MaintenanceWindow.ServiceWindowSchedules)" Write-Verbose "Service Window StartTime : $($MaintenanceWindow.StartTime)" [datetime]$CollectionServiceWindowDateTime = [Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDateTime($($MaintenanceWindow.StartTime)) $SCCMMaintWindowDateTime = Get-Date $CollectionServiceWindowDateTime Write-Verbose "Service Window StartTime (nice) : $SCCMMaintWindowDateTime" $RequestedMaintWindowDateTime = Get-Date $MaintenanceWindowStartDateTime Write-Verbose "Defined/Requested StartTime (nice) : $RequestedMaintWindowDateTime" If (($RequestedMaintWindowDateTime.Day -eq $SCCMMaintWindowDateTime.Day) -and ($RequestedMaintWindowDateTime.Month -eq $SCCMMaintWindowDateTime.Month) -and ($RequestedMaintWindowDateTime.Year -eq $SCCMMaintWindowDateTime.Year)) { Write-Verbose "Day,Month,Year matches? : Yes" If (($RequestedMaintWindowDateTime.Hour -eq $SCCMMaintWindowDateTime.Hour) -and ($RequestedMaintWindowDateTime.Minute -eq $SCCMMaintWindowDateTime.Minute)) { Write-Verbose "Hour,Minute matches? : Yes" $ConfigureMaintWindowSuccess = $True } } } } } } } } } End { return $ConfigureMaintWindowSuccess } }