This function allows you to gather the folder details using WMI from the specified System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) site server. The returned information includes the container node ID which in term can be used to for example gather all collections located below that folder.
NOTE: By including the SYNOPSIS and other information you can use get-help on the function to find out what parameters you can specify or read what this function actually can be used for. I can highly recommended to always include this information in your PowerShell function(s) so that anybody can understand it.
In the below examples the site server and sitecode are blurred out (this is a real site server behind a FAKE FQDN).
Function Get-SCCMFolderDetail { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the folder details that includes the container ID needed for other functions. .DESCRIPTION Connects to the specified site server and retrieves the details of the specified folder as output that in term can be used for other functions. By default the Device Folder type is specified unless overridden using the FolderType parameter, you can specify the following folder types: Type 2 : Package Type 3 : Advertisement Type 9 : Software Metering Type 18 : OS Images Type 19 : Boot Images Type 20 : Task Sequences Type 23 : Drivers Type 2011 : Configuration Baselines Type 5000 : Device Collection Type 5001 : User Collection Type 6000 : Application Type 6001 : Configuration Items .EXAMPLE Get-SCCMFolderDetail -FolderName "Maintenance Collections" .EXAMPLE Get-SCCMFolderDetail -FolderName "Maintenance Collections" -SiteServer .PARAMETER FolderName The FolderName parameter is the name of the folder for which you want to gather the details. .PARAMETER SiteServer The SiteServer parameter contains the name of the site server that can provide the folder details. .PARAMETER FolderType The FolderType parameter is optional and set to Device Folder by default unless specified (see description) .PARAMETER SiteCode The SiteCode parameter is optional and if not provided automatically retrieved from the specified site server. #> Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$FolderName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$SiteServer, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$FolderType = "5000", # This is the device collection folder type [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$SiteCode = (Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SMS" -Class SMS_ProviderLocation -ComputerName $SiteServer).SiteCode ) Begin { Write-Verbose "SCCM Site Server : $($SiteServer)" Write-Verbose "SCCM Site Code : $($SiteCode)" Write-Verbose "SCCM Folder Name : $($FolderName)" Write-Verbose "SCCM Folder Type : $($FolderType)" } Process { $FolderDetails = Get-wmiObject -Namespace "root\SMS\site_$($SiteCode)" -Query "Select name,containernodeid,objecttype,objecttypename from SMS_ObjectContainerNode where name = '$($FolderName)' AND objecttype = '$($FolderType)'" -ComputerName $SiteServer } End { return $FolderDetails } }