This function removes a Maintenance Window from a collection based on either the provided name or ServiceWindowSchedules ID that you can see when performing a WMI query for collection information. You can also provide an asterisk in the name to indicate a wildcard is used to identify a set of Maintenance Windows should you use for example the same naming pattern for a year with different months.
NOTE: By including the SYNOPSIS and other information you can use get-help on the function to find out what parameters you can specify or read what this function actually can be used for. I can highly recommended to always include this information in your PowerShell function(s) so that anybody can understand it.
In the below examples names pointing to a sitecode, collection ID or server name are blurred out (this is a real site server behind a FAKE FQDN).
The below example removes the specified Maintenance Window from the collection and returns true if a change has been made.
If you run the same command again you will notice that False is returned because no change has been made since none of the Maintenance Windows matches with the specified name.
Like all previous SCCM related functions you can run this also with the -Verbose output, below an example of multiple Maintenance Windows based on a set prefix and the removal command to show that you can use this function to delete multiple Maintenance Windows when providing an asterisk in the name.
Function Remove-SCCMCollectionMaintenanceWindow { <# .SYNOPSIS Removes a Maintenance Window from the collection specified either by name prefix (includes *) or by ServiceWindowSchedules ID .DESCRIPTION This function can be used to either remove a set of Maintenance Windows based on a prefix or based on a set name or ServiceWindowSchedules ID. If you have multiple Maintenance Windows that use the same name and you define a name they will all be removed, it is advised if that is the case to use the ServiceWindowSchedules ID. .EXAMPLE Remove-SCCMCollectionMaintenanceWindow -SCCMCollectionID <sccm collection ID> -MaintenanceWindowName "SU-2017-*" .EXAMPLE Remove-SCCMCollectionMaintenanceWindow -SCCMCollectionID <sccm collection ID> -MaintenanceWindowName "My Maint Window" .EXAMPLE Remove-SCCMCollectionMaintenanceWindow -SCCMCollectionID <sccm collection ID> -ServiceWindowSchedule "02EF1BC030080000" .PARAMETER SCCMCollectionID The SCCMCollectionID parameter is the actual collection on which you want to set the new Maintenance Window. .PARAMETER MaintenanceWindowName The MaintenanceWindowName parameter is the name of the Maintenance Window or pattern used to determine which Maintenance Window(s) to remove. .PARAMETER ServiceWindowSchedule The ServiceWindowSchedule parameter is the schedule token of the Maintenance Window used to determine which Maintenance Window to remove. .PARAMETER SiteServer This parameter defines the site server to connect to and is optional as a default is provided in the function .PARAMETER SiteCode This parameter is optional and by default uses WMI to gather this based on the SiteServer parameter #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)] [string]$SCCMCollectionID, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$MaintenanceWindowName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$ServiceWindowSchedule, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$SiteServer = "", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$SiteCode = (Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SMS" -Class SMS_ProviderLocation -ComputerName $SiteServer).SiteCode ) Begin { $RemovedMaintWindow = $False $ExecuteChangesOnSCCM = $False $MaintenanceWindowLikeMatch = $False $MaintenanceWindowNameSpecified = $False $ServiceWindowScheduleSpecified = $False Write-Verbose "SCCM Site Server : $($SiteServer)" Write-Verbose "SCCM Site code : $($SiteCode)" Write-Verbose "SCCM Collection ID : $($SCCMCollectionID)" If ($MaintenanceWindowName) { $MaintenanceWindowNameSpecified = $True Write-Verbose "Maintenance Window Name/Prefix : $($MaintenanceWindowName)" If ($MaintenanceWindowName.Contains("*") -eq $True) { $MaintenanceWindowLikeMatch = $True } Write-Verbose "Maintenance Window Like Match : $MaintenanceWindowLikeMatch" } If ($ServiceWindowSchedule) { $ServiceWindowScheduleSpecified = $True Write-Verbose "ServiceWindowSchedule ID : $($ServiceWindowSchedule)" } } Process { If (($MaintenanceWindowNameSpecified -eq $True) -or ($ServiceWindowScheduleSpecified -eq $True)) { $CollectionSettings = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SMS\site_$($SiteCode)" -Class SMS_CollectionSettings -ComputerName $SiteServer -Filter "CollectionID = '$($SCCMCollectionID)'" If ($CollectionSettings) { $CollectionSettings = [wmi]$CollectionSettings.__PATH $CollectionSettings.Get() $class_SMS_ServiceWindow = [wmiclass]"\\$($SiteServer)\ROOT\SMS\Site_$($SiteCode):SMS_ServiceWindow" $TmpServiceWindowArray = @() ForEach ($MaintWindow in $CollectionSettings.ServiceWindows) { $KeepMaintenanceWindow = $True If ($MaintenanceWindowNameSpecified -eq $True) { If ($MaintenanceWindowLikeMatch -eq $True) { If ($($MaintWindow.Name) -like "$($MaintenanceWindowName)") { Write-Verbose "Deleting Service Window Name : $($MaintWindow.Name)" $KeepMaintenanceWindow = $False $ExecuteChangesOnSCCM = $True } } Else { If ($($MaintWindow.Name) -eq "$($MaintenanceWindowName)") { Write-Verbose "Deleting Service Window Name : $($MaintWindow.Name)" $KeepMaintenanceWindow = $False $ExecuteChangesOnSCCM = $True } } } If ($ServiceWindowScheduleSpecified -eq $True) { If ($($MaintWindow.ServiceWindowSchedules) -eq $($ServiceWindowSchedule)) { Write-Verbose "Deleting Service Window ScheduleID : $($MaintWindow.ServiceWindowSchedules)" $KeepMaintenanceWindow = $False $ExecuteChangesOnSCCM = $True } } If ($KeepMaintenanceWindow -eq $True) { $SMS_ServiceWindow = $class_SMS_ServiceWindow.CreateInstance() Write-Verbose "WMI Service Window Name : $($MaintWindow.Name)" $SMS_ServiceWindow.Name = "$($MaintWindow.Name)" Write-Verbose "WMI Service Window Description : $($MaintWindow.Description)" $SMS_ServiceWindow.Description = "$($MaintWindow.Description)" Write-Verbose "WMI Service Window Enabled : $($MaintWindow.IsEnabled)" $SMS_ServiceWindow.IsEnabled = $true If ($($MaintWindow.IsEnabled) -eq $False) { Write-Verbose "Disabling Service Window : Yes" $SMS_ServiceWindow.IsEnabled = $false } Write-Verbose "WMI Service Window Schedules ID : $($MaintWindow.ServiceWindowSchedules)" $SMS_ServiceWindow.ServiceWindowSchedules = "$($MaintWindow.ServiceWindowSchedules)" Write-Verbose "WMI Service Window Type : $($MaintWindow.ServiceWindowType)" $SMS_ServiceWindow.ServiceWindowType = "$($MaintWindow.ServiceWindowType)" Write-Verbose "WMI Service Window Starttime : $($MaintWindow.StartTime)" $SMS_ServiceWindow.StartTime = "$($MaintWindow.StartTime)" $TmpServiceWindowArray += $SMS_ServiceWindow.psobject.baseobject } } If ($ExecuteChangesOnSCCM -eq $True) { #$TmpServiceWindowArray $CollectionSettings.ServiceWindows = $TmpServiceWindowArray $CollectionSettings.Put() | Out-Null $RemovedMaintWindow = $True } } } } End { return $RemovedMaintWindow } }