This function allows you to gather the collections that you have created below the specified FolderID (you can use the Get-SCCMFolderDetail function I also shared to gather the ID of the Folder name). You can either return a small amount of information or as much detail as possible which allows you to use that detail for other purposes.
NOTE: By including the SYNOPSIS and other information you can use get-help on the function to find out what parameters you can specify or read what this function actually can be used for. I can highly recommended to always include this information in your PowerShell function(s) so that anybody can understand it.
In the below examples the site server, sitecode and Collection IDs are blurred out (this is a real site server behind a FAKE FQDN).
Function Get-SCCMCollectionsInFolder { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns all the collections located in the specified folder ID. .DESCRIPTION Connects to the specified site server and retrieves the details of the specified folder as output that in term can be used for other functions. This function is usable for Device or User collections any other items will need different WMI queries and these would be best added to a seperate function. .EXAMPLE Get-SCCMCollectionsInFolder -FolderID <id of your folder> .EXAMPLE Get-SCCMCollectionsInFolder -FolderID <id of your folder> -SiteServer .PARAMETER FolderID This parameter is the folder ID (can be gathered using a different function Get-SCCMFolderDetail) .PARAMETER FolderType The FolderType parameter is used to specify the folder type (5000 for Device Collections or 5001 for User Collections) .PARAMETER SiteServer The SiteServer parameter contains the name of the site server that can provide the collections contained below. .PARAMETER SiteCode The SiteCode parameter is optional and if not provided automatically retrieved from the specified site server. .PARAMETER Full This is an optional and determines that all collection fields need to be gathered from the site server this will include member count etc. #> Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [string]$FolderID, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string]$FolderType = "5000", [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string]$SiteServer = "", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$SiteCode = (Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SMS" -Class SMS_ProviderLocation -ComputerName $SiteServer).SiteCode, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [switch]$Full = $false ) Begin { Write-Verbose "SCCM Site Server : $($SiteServer)" Write-Verbose "SCCM Site code : $($SiteCode)" Write-Verbose "SCCM Folder ID : $($FolderID)" } Process { Switch ($FolderType) { "5000" {$SCCMCollectionType = "2"} "5001" {$SCCMCollectionType = "1"} default {$SCCMCollectionType = "2"} } Write-Verbose "SCCM Collection Type : $($SCCMCollectionType)" $FolderDetails = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SMS\site_$($SiteCode)" -Query "Select * from SMS_ObjectContainerNode where` ContainerNodeID='$($FolderID)'" -ComputerName $SiteServer If ($Full) { Write-Verbose $FolderDetails } Else { Write-Verbose "SCCM Folder Name : $($FolderDetails.Name)" } $SCCMCollectionQuery ="select Name,CollectionID from SMS_Collection where CollectionID is in(select InstanceKey from SMS_ObjectContainerItem ` where ObjectType='$($FolderType)' and ContainerNodeID='$FolderID') and CollectionType='$($SCCMCollectionType)'" If ($Full) { $SCCMCollectionQuery ="select * from SMS_Collection where CollectionID is in(select InstanceKey from SMS_ObjectContainerItem` where ObjectType='$($FolderType)' and ContainerNodeID='$FolderID') and CollectionType='$($SCCMCollectionType)'" } $CollectionsInSpecficFolder = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SMS\site_$($SiteCode)" -Query $SCCMCollectionQuery -ComputerName $SiteServer If ($VerbosePreference -eq "continue") { ForEach ($Collection in $CollectionsInSpecficFolder) { Write-Verbose "SCCM Collection Name : $($" Write-verbose $Collection } } } End { return $CollectionsInSpecficFolder } }