Create a Schedule Token for usage within SCCM

A PowerShell function that creates a recurring or non-recurring schedule token for usage within Configuration Manager. The output of this function is needed for the New-SMSServiceWindow function I have also posted but this function also relies on the function Convert-NormalDateToConfigMgrDate in order to create a usable schedule token. In short if you want to create […]

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Show SCCM Collections below specified Folder ID

This function allows you to gather the collections that you have created below the specified FolderID (you can use the Get-SCCMFolderDetail function I also shared to gather the ID of the Folder name). You can either return a small amount of information or as much detail as possible which allows you to use that detail […]

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PowerShell Gather SCCM Folder Detail

This function allows you to gather the folder details using WMI from the specified System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) site server. The returned information includes the container node ID which in term can be used to for example gather all collections located below that folder. NOTE: By including the SYNOPSIS and other information you can […]

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Convert standard Date/Time to a Configuration Manager Date/Time

This function allows you to convert the standard Date/Time as returned by the for example Get-Date function into a usable Date/Time object for Configuration Manager. This function is used in combination with others to define a Maintenance Window on a collection or can be used in other cases. The original function can be found on […]

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Determine Patch Tuesday Date with PowerShell

A PowerShell function to determine Patch Tuesday based on the many examples you find on the internet but changed to support the month and year parameters you can supply the -Verbose parameter for Verbose output however in this specific function that output is quite limited. I use this function combined with others to define the […]

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